Sunday, June 27, 2010

All Play and no Work

Whew.. You have no idea how hard that was to say. For the last week I have contemplated whether or not I was going to log into my email for work, and though I have already checked it twice, I am officially telling you all, don't expect me to be replying to anything or anyone!

As I sit here on the deck at my house in Oregon, with a jacket on, and the warm sun beating down on me, I think of my poor sweating pals back home and think 'don't you wish you were me right about now!' My travel experience here yesterday was much more pleasant than last year. If you recall, I had a Philly security guard call for backup on me. Needless to say, I learned my lesson. Yesterday I showed up at the airport with a sweet grin on my face, a hat on and headphones in my ears. I did every attempt to avoid any discussion or confrontation with anyone. It was a success! No mean security guards to deal with, no tears, and only a fraction of the stress I experienced last year. Domestic travel is far easier than international travel! Let's see if I just jinxed myself.

When we landed I was reminded of all the past memories in the Portland airport. It's been 2 1/2 years since I've been here, and I'm extremely glad to be back. Now, I had a 3 hour drive to the coast to look forward to. Shortly after we got in the car we made a stop for some food. I was recommended by a coworker to try the popular Oregon burger joint, Burgerville. One confusing, and slightly embarrassing order later, we sat at our table outside and ate our food. The scenery was nice. It was like a 50's diner, but with no annoying music. I don't want to go offending any coworkers, because I love you to death my dear, but I really don't think Burgerville has anything on my favorite In and Out! Don't get me wrong, the food there was tastey, but almost a little too healthy for me! Can you believe I just said that? Well, yes, I can. I like my food dripping with fatty grease. Yes, I plan to die at a young age. Regardless, I ate every last piece of my food and felt sickly full after.

Three hours later, we were home. I've now had 2 warm, sunny days. If you know anything about Oregon, you know that the sun rarely visits here. But I'm special enough for it to come out and say hi, for 2 whole days. My parents have been here for a week already, and have not yet made it down to the beach. Me on the other hand, day 1. I don't waste any time.

Not sure what's in store for tomorrow, but I can guarentee one thing, I will not be working! Poor suckers sitting in our sardine stuffed cube. I'll be basking in the sun (hopefully) listening to the sounds of the ocean. Two more days and the rest of the family arrives. I can't wait! One almost 2 year old, and two at heart 10 year olds.. I mean, loving sister and brother-in-law :) Let the party start!

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